Scentbox continues to lead in the beauty product sector as a premium perfume subscription service via mail. Scentbox Free Trial was hand-picked by Livecoupons for you inFebruary 2025, so be ready to purchase blissfully!
Your first perfume or cologne delivery is free with our Scentbox free trial offer. A 30-day supply (0.27 oz/8ml) of a fresh designer fragrance for ladies or men is included in each Scentbox. Choose your own smell or let them take you by surprise.
Yes. For Scentbox free trials, you do not need to provide your credit card information. Without a credit card, DoNotPay can get you Scentbox free trials and more.
You'll only be charged $3.00 for shipping and handling during your Scentbox first month Free. After the trial time has ended, your order will always ship for free in the months ahead. Get your first Scentbox for free when you sign up today!
Sure. Scentbox shipping within the US is always free on both our monthly subscription service and purchases of our full-size bottles, there is no minimum purchase on Scentbox Free Shipping.
Monthly subscription shipments normally arrive within 7-10 business days from your monthly ship date. Orders outside your subscription will arrive in 5-10 business days from when the order is placed. If you have not received your order in the recommended time-frame please send an email to [email protected].
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